"Increase in LGBTQ people"

Dec 27, 2023

The number of individuals identifying as LGBTQ+ has seen a significant increase in recent years. This trend bears a striking resemblance to the historical trajectory of left-handedness acceptance, providing a fascinating lens through which to view societal change.

The Growth of LGBTQ+ Identification

In the past, societal norms and prejudices often forced LGBTQ+ individuals to hide their identities. However, as society has become more accepting, more people feel comfortable openly identifying as LGBTQ+. This shift doesn’t necessarily mean that there are more LGBTQ+ individuals than before, but rather that more people are now able to express their true identities.

The Historical Stigma Around Left-Handedness

This pattern mirrors the historical treatment of left-handed individuals. In the early 20th century, left-handedness was often viewed as inferior or even deviant. Left-handed children were frequently forced to use their right hands, effectively hiding the true number of left-handed individuals.

However, as societal attitudes shifted and the stigma around left-handedness decreased, more people began to openly identify as left-handed. This change didn’t mean that the number of left-handed individuals suddenly increased, but rather that the true number of left-handed people was finally being acknowledged.

The Power of Acceptance

The parallels between these two phenomena highlight the power of societal acceptance. When individuals feel safe and accepted, they are more likely to openly express their true identities, whether that relates to sexual orientation, gender identity, or even which hand they prefer to use.

In both cases, the perceived ‘increase’ in numbers is less about a sudden change in human nature and more about the power of acceptance and the freedom to self-identify. As society continues to progress towards greater inclusivity and acceptance, we can expect to see more individuals openly embracing their true identities, enriching our collective diversity.

Pink Triangle is an organization
that seeks to help teenagers
part of the LGBTQ+ community
in Mexico and prevent suicide.


Pink Triangle México

