LGBTQ+ Stories

In this section, you will have the opportunity to explore interviews that we have conducted with various individuals who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Each of these interviews is a window into a unique and authentic story. These stories, full of personal experiences and deep emotions, have the potential to resonate with your own experiences. Our goal is that, by reading these stories, you can find comfort, inspiration, and the certainty that you are not alone. We firmly believe in the power of sharing and the empathy that can arise from learning about the experiences of others. We hope that these stories inspire you, make you reflect, and, above all, help you feel connected to a wider community.

Pato Lagarda

Today Pato shares with us about the challenges he has faced as a queer person and his story in relation to his sexual orientation.
He talks about how his orientation has influenced his relationships, and how he handles differences of opinion or values with people who may not understand or accept his sexual orientation. In addition, Pato shares some advice based on his life experiences.

Pato's Instagram

Josh Barreto

Today, Josh, a valuable member of our community, has decided to open his heart and share with us his personal and unique experience of being part of the LGBT community.

He tells us about the challenges he faced when revealing his identity to his family and friends and the impacts it has had in his life. In the end, Josh shares some advice for the youth who are part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Pato's Instagram

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Pink Triangle is an organization
that seeks to help teenagers
part of the LGBTQ+ community
in Mexico and prevent suicide.


Pink Triangle México
