Transgender Athletes

Dec 28, 2023

Transgender athletes’ participation in competitive sports has been a topic of intense debate. The core of the discussion revolves around whether transgender women have an unfair advantage over cisgender women and whether they should be allowed to compete in women’s sports12. This article aims to shed light on these issues and argue for the inclusion of transgender athletes in sports.

Understanding the Science

The argument that transgender women have an unfair advantage is often based on the assumption that they retain the physical advantages associated with male physiology, such as muscle mass and bone density12. However, the science behind these claims is not as clear-cut as it might seem.

Sports scientist Joanna Harper points out that while transgender women may have certain advantages, these do not necessarily translate into unfair competition1. For instance, left-handed athletes have advantages in many sports, but this doesn’t prevent meaningful competition between left-handed and right-handed athletes1.

Moreover, research suggests that after undergoing hormone therapy for two years, the performance gap between transgender women and cisgender women largely closes2. Even then, trans women still ran 12% faster, but to be an elite runner, one must be 59% faster than the average cis woman2.

The Case for Inclusion

The inclusion of transgender athletes in sports aligns with the principles of fairness and equality. Banning transgender athletes from competing in sports that align with their gender identity can be seen as a form of discrimination34.

The American Psychological Association supports the full and equal participation of transgender and nonbinary students in all education programs and activities, including sports4. They argue that there is no evidence to support claims that allowing transgender student athletes to play on the team that fits their gender identity would affect the fairness of the sport4.

The Way Forward

The conversation around transgender athletes in sports is complex and multifaceted, involving not just physiological considerations, but also issues of human rights and social justice1234.

While it’s crucial to ensure fair competition, it’s equally important to foster an inclusive environment where all athletes, regardless of their gender identity, can participate and excel. As our understanding of gender and physiology evolves, so too should our approach to sports, moving towards greater inclusivity and fairness for all athletes.

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that seeks to help teenagers
part of the LGBTQ+ community
in Mexico and prevent suicide.


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